On Sunday, 13 May 2018 at 07:42:10 UTC, Suliman wrote:
Could anybody give small example of Dependency injection pattern? I googled about it, but found only C# examples and I am not quite sure how to use them.

Also I would like get some explanation/comments for code.

Here is a quick example of the difference, myProgram.execute utilizes a database connection. dInjection.execute utilizes a dependency injected database connection.

        class dbConnection {}

        class myProgram {
                void execute() {
                        auto db = new dbConnection();

        class dInjection {
                void execute(dbConnection db) {

What you should notice from the first execute function is that the dependency, in this case dbConnection, is created as part of the application execution. While the second the dependency is declared at the function's arguments allowing the caller to inject the needed dependency.

This could go a step further and accept an interface for DB connections, but is not necessary to meat dependency injection.

Dependency injection also applies to magic numbers.

    enum maxProcessingTime = 3582;

If this were declared inside a function rather than taken as a parameter, then the function would not correctly use dependency injection.

Additionally, you could inject the dbConnection as part of the class constructor:

        class preInjection {
                dbConnection db;
                this(dbConnection data) { db = data}
                void execute() {


Now I think what trips a lot of people up is that frameworks are created to help you do this. They try to make it easy to define all your dependencies in a single location and then you request the object you need and the DI framework will do whatever it needs to for building that object.

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