On 05/20/2018 10:46 AM, Robert M. Münch wrote:

> But I still don't understand why I can't write things explicitly but
> have to use an alias for this.

Templatized range types work well when they are used as template arguments themselves.

When you need to keep a single type like 'b' (i.e. b is not a template), and when you need to set a variable like mySubStream to a dynamic object, the solution is to use inputObject():

import std.algorithm;
import std.range;

class a {
    int[] myStream = [ 1, 2, 42, 100 ];

int myMessage = 42;

class b {
    InputRange!int mySubStream;

void myFunc() {
    a myA = new a();
    b myB = new b();

myB.mySubStream = inputRangeObject(myA.myStream.filter!(x => x == myMessage));


void main() {

Now, mySubStream is a range variable that satisfies the input range interface and produces int elements. (Adjust accordingly.) You can use a more specialized range kind other than InputRange if the actual range supports it (e.g. ForwardRange!int, etc.):




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