On Thursday, 24 May 2018 at 08:16:30 UTC, biocyberman wrote:
Some C and C++ projects I am working on use pointers and references extensively: to pass as function arguments, and to return from a function. For function argument I would use `ref`, but for return types, I can't use `ref` and can't return a pointer. What should be the proper way to handle this? Do I have to change function signature (i.e. return type) For example, the following function:

//C++ version, from:

Read* Read::reverseComplement(){
        Sequence seq = ~mSeq;
        string qual;
        qual.assign(mQuality.rbegin(), mQuality.rend());
        string strand = (mStrand=="+") ? "-" : "+";
        return new Read(mName, seq, strand, qual);

// D version:
Read reverseComplement(){
    Sequence seq = ~mSeq;
    dchar[] qual = cast(dchar[])mQuality.dup;
    string strand = (mStrand=="+") ? "-" : "+";
Read newRead = new Read(mName, seq, strand, cast(string)qual); // return &newRead does not work: returning `& newRead` escapes a reference to local variable newRead
    return newRead;


Let's not focus on the function body, I don't know how to handle the return type in cases like this for the D version.

it looks like Read is a D class? in which case it already returns by reference. If you make Read a struct then all you need do is change the function signature from
Read reverseComplement()
Read* reverseComplement()

about the function body
use mQuality.dup.representation.reverse;

    dchar[] qual = cast(dchar[])mQuality.dup;
    mQuality = cast(string)qual;

does not do what you want it to do.

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