On Wednesday, 30 May 2018 at 21:02:07 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
On Wednesday, May 30, 2018 20:42:38 Q. Schroll via Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:
It seems one cannot std.algorithm.mutation.move objects explicitly. Say I have a non-copyable type
It fails because move() cannot be executed at compile time. The
"memcpy cannot be interpreted at compile time, because it has
no available source code"
sounds very suspicious.

Why is it suspicious? memcpy is a C function, and you can't call C functions during CTFE precisely because the compiler doesn't have their source code. You can't call D functions either if the compiler doesn't have their source (e.g. if you're using a .di file to hide the implementation).

I definitely do understand the error message and it makes sense that it fails the way it's implemented. However, it makes no sense that moving as a concept can fail at CTFE. That's what I find suspicious. [Maybe 'suspicious' isn't the right term; I couldn't express it better.] You can move rvalues at CTFE which proves that the compiler can do it.

Shouldn't it be possible to move at CTFE,
too, or does it mean, non-copyable types are practically unusable
for CTFE?

You can't do much in the way of pointer or memory manipulation during CTFE (e.g. no pointer arithmetic or reinterpret casts). So, I don't see how a move could be done during CTFE. Even if the source for memcpy were available during CTFE, I suspect that it wouldn't be allowed due to the lower level stuff that it does.

That's the explanation why probably all currently possible library alternatives to memcpy would fail. I suspected that when encountering the error, but still wonder why memcpy or other low-level stuff is even necessary to accomplish something the compiler is perfectly able to do.

From what I see, the reason for the hack is lack of expressiveness: We don't have rvalue-refs in D (which I find good) so, currently, there is no cast-solution as in C++. So for a proper move() that works at CTFE, we'd need some specific tool.

I have no idea of the details on how the compiler handles lvalues. Would it make sense to add a compiler trait, specifically to solve moving? Like __traits(move, lvalue_expression) [name up for discussion] that is identical to lvalue_expression with the exception that the (lvalue/rvalue) flag (or whatever it is) is set to "rvalue". Basically, it's the C++ solution: After the "cast", the compiler will proceed and pretend it is an rvalue and therefore initiate moving.

Do you think adding a trait to make move() and swap() work at CTFE is worth it?

A quick search showed me the class "Expression" has "virtual bool isLvalue();" so it might be easy as wrapping and hooking that virtual method. To me, [1] highly suggests that it works.

[1] https://github.com/dlang/dmd/blob/master/src/dmd/expression.d#L1219

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