On Friday, 1 June 2018 at 21:18:25 UTC, IntegratedDimensions wrote:
If one has a switch of N case then the last cost surely does not cost N times the cost of the first, approximately?

It depends on the compiler and optimization level. In general, no optimization or just a handful of cases means it's as if you wrote a bunch of if-then-else statements. When there are many cases, a jump table is the go-to way to optimize it. But the compiler may do more clever transformations:

void smallCase();
void largeCase();
void defaultCase();

int switchfunc(int i)
    switch(i) {
        case 8: .. case 64:
            smallCase(); return 1;
        case 256: .. case 512:
            largeCase(); return 2;
            defaultCase(); return 3;
Even though the front end expands the ranged cases to individual case statements, LDC with -O1 or higher will actually output code akin to this:

int switchfunc(int i) {
  if (cast(uint) (i - 256) >= 257) {
    if (cast(uint) (i - 8) > 56) {
      smallCase(); return 1;
    defaultCase(); return 3;
  largeCase(); return 2;
Notice how even though I put the 256-512 range second, LDC chose to check it first because it's a larger range than 8-64. Also notice the use of unsigned integer underflow to check whether an integer is in a certain range.

Something I like to do for text reading functions is this:

bool isOneOf(string str)(char chr) {
  switch (chr) {
    static foreach(c; str) {
      case c: return true;
    default: return false;

alias isHexadecimalDigit = isOneOf!"abcdefABCDEF0123456789";
This will efficiently check if a character is in a compile-time known character set using compile-time optimizations. While DMD makes a jumptable for this, LDC actually transforms it into this:
bool isHexadecimalDigit(char chr) {
  ubyte x = cast(ubyte) (chr - 48);
  if (x > 54) return false;
return (0b1111110000000000000000000000000011111100000001111111111 >> x) & 1;

The cases can be encoded in a binary number that is shifted by the value of the character, so that the correct boolean return value (1 or 0) ends up as the least significant bit.
DMD uses the same trick if you write it in this way:
return (chr == 'a' || chr == 'b' || chr == 'c' || ...);

So the most common optimization is indexing in (jump) tables, but smart transformations are done too sometimes. By the way, a chain of if-then-else statements may also be optimized as if it was written in a switch statement.

If you want to see how the compiler optimizes your switch statement, check out run.dlang.io (DMD and LDC, press ASM button) or d.godbolt.org (DMD, LDC and GDC).

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