On Wednesday, 6 June 2018 at 13:44:39 UTC, Arafel wrote:
Why not (genuine question)? There's even myObject.classinfo, and I can only assume that there's some reason why it's there...

It holds just barely enough info for dynamic casting, GC, and other language implementation stuff.

(and then Object.factory for some weird reason, which actually causes bloat for so little benefit)

Well, thanks for the quick and succinct answer... I guess the question now would be how realistic it would be to propose such an addition to the language... Has it already been discussed?

It is possible to add it to the runtime library right now (there's a thing called rtInfo in there made to hold it, it is just null right now), just people fight over even a few bytes of added metadata. So if it is added, it would surely be some opt-in thing that will require your thing be recompiled anyway.

If you can recompile the library, you can add a parallel extended info thing (MyReflectionInfo[TypeInfo] array perhaps, populated by a static this() ctor created via compile time reflection) that gives what you need.

But if you can't recompile the library, the field names are simply not there....

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