On 2018-06-05 20:14, InfiniteDimensional wrote:
I'm also having some issue now when I changed a type from using a class to using it's base interface

Unhandled exception: orange.serialization.SerializationException.SerializationException The object of the static type "const(ItemInterface)" have a different runtime type (Item) and therefore needs to either register its type or register a serializer for its type "Item". at ..\..\..\orange\serialization\SerializationException.d(25)

Item inherits from ItemInterface.

I was storing a list of Items and changed it to store ItemInterface

Item[] -> ItemInterface[]

and this is when the error happened.

Of course, I'd expect the interface not being serializable(although, maybe @properties should be?) it would be nice if it would store the actual type in it's place(an Item). Else, this prevents me from using interfaces.

D doesn't support any runtime reflection (or very little). All reflection is done at compile time, i.e. getting all the fields. If the static type and the dynamic type differs Orange cannot properly serialize the dynamic type. For that to work you need to register all dynamic types that are expected to be serialized through a base class or interface. See this example [1].

[1] https://github.com/jacob-carlborg/orange/blob/master/tests/BaseClass.d#L73

/Jacob Carlborg

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