On 10.06.2018 20:58, SrMordred wrote:
a => { return 2*a; }
  /\  \           /
  ||   \         /
  ||    \       /
  ||     \     /
  ||      \   /
 This is   \ /
 function   \  This is definition of delegate
 definition  \

    so you have a function that returns delegate.

it's like
a => a => 2*a;
(a){ return () { return 2*a; }

I believe that a lot of other languages work differently, so when their knowledge are transposed to D, people get confused at first.

Eg. in JS:

x = x => x * 2;
x = x =>{ return x * 2; }

Ah, I see. From this point of view there is some inconsistency indeed.

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