I wrote a small program for Project Euler problem 41 ( https://projecteuler.net/problem=41 ).

--- project_euler_41.d
void main()
        import math_common : primesLessThan;
        import std.stdio : writeln;
        import std.conv : parse;
        import std.algorithm : permutations, canFind, filter, each, sort;
        import std.utf : byCodeUnit;
        import std.range : assumeSorted;
        import std.array : array;

        auto primes = primesLessThan(9_999_999UL).assumeSorted;

                .filter!(a => primes.canFind(a.parse!uint))
                .each!(a => a.writeln);

The problem is this prints a list of numbers. The task requires only the largest, so the intuitive fix is to add `.array.sort[$ - 1].writeln` in place of the `each`, but this prints an array of `1234567`s instead of the permutations. Does anyone know how to sort the filter result without modifying the individual results?

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