On 06/11/2018 08:46 AM, cc wrote:
struct MYUDA {}
class Foo {
     @(MYUDA) int bar(int x) { return x*2; }
auto foo = new Foo();
I did figure out I can do it with mixins like so:

void MCALL(string func, V...)(V args) {
     mixin(`assert(hasUDA!(`~func~`, MYUDA));`); // Ok
     mixin(`assert(`~func~`(args) == 16);`); // Ok

Which works.  Is this the "best" way to do this?

That only works when foo is visible to MCALL. That's a serious limitation.

Or is there another pattern that looks cleaner?

I can't think of a really nice solution where you just pass `foo.bar` or `&foo.bar`. The problem is that an alias of `foo.bar` is really an alias of `Foo.bar`, i.e. there is no connection to the object `foo`. And `&foo.bar` is just a generic delegate. There is no (compile-time) type information that links it to the type `Foo`.

The best I could come up with is passing the method's name separately from the object:

void main()
    auto foo = new Foo();

void nCall(string methodName, O, V...)(O obj, V args)
    /* 'n' is for "name" */
    import std.traits: hasUDA;
    auto methodDelegate = mixin("&obj." ~ methodName);
    mixin("alias methodAlias = obj." ~ methodName ~ ";");
    assert(hasUDA!(methodAlias, MYUDA)); // Ok
    assert(methodDelegate(args) == 18); // Ok

struct MYUDA {}

class Foo
    @(MYUDA) int bar(int x) { return x*2; }

If it's feasible to hard-code a list of all possible object types into the "call" function, then you can pass `&foo.bar` and find the correct object type by trying them all:

void main()
    auto foo = new Foo();
    bCall(&foo.bar, 9);

void bCall(D, V...)(D methodDelegate, V args)
    /* 'b' is for "bloat" */
    import std.traits: hasUDA;
    import std.meta: AliasSeq;

    assert(methodDelegate(args) == 18); // Ok

    auto obj = cast(Object) methodDelegate.ptr;
    if (obj is null) return; /* Delegate is not of a method. */

    static foreach (O; AliasSeq!(Foo, /* Bar, Baz, etc */))
        static foreach (mName; __traits(allMembers, O))
            alias m = AliasSeq!(__traits(getMember, O, mName))[0];
            static if (is(typeof(&m)))
                if (typeid(O) == typeid(obj) &&
                    &m is cast(void*) methodDelegate.funcptr)
                    assert(hasUDA!(m, MYUDA)); // Ok

struct MYUDA {}

class Foo
    @(MYUDA) int bar(int x) { return x*2; }

But that's probably not feasible.

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