On Wednesday, 13 June 2018 at 17:37:44 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:

Hm... the only way to do it in D is to provide a function that checks whether the small vector optimization is in play, and return a pointer/slice to itself.

With D it is possible to alias the getter function that provides the actual data to allow code to look nicer.

For example (crude example):

struct Vector(T)
   bool svo; // small vector optimization
      T[4] local;
      T[] heap;
   inout(T)[] get() inout { return svo ? local[], heap; }
   alias get this;
   ... // implement specialized append, concat operators, etc.

Now, you can use Vector as if it were an array, and it just works.


Thanks for an idea, I will try it.

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