On Monday, 25 June 2018 at 07:02:24 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
On Monday, June 25, 2018 05:47:30 Mr.Bingo via Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:
The problem then, if D can't arbitrarily use ctfe, means that there should be a way to force ctfe optionally!

If you want to use CTFE, then give an enum the value of the expression you want calculated. If you want to do it in place, then use a template such as

template ctfe(alias exp)
    enum ctfe = exp;

so that you get stuff like func(ctfe!(foo(42))). I would be extremely surprised if the compiler is ever changed to just try CTFE just in case it will work as an optimization. That would make it harder for the programmer to understand what's going on, and it would balloon compilation times. If you want to write up a DIP on the topic and argue for rules on how CTFE could and should function with the compiler deciding to try CTFE on some basis rather than it only being done when it must be done, then you're free to do so.


But I expect that you will be sorely disappointed if you ever expect the compiler to start doing CTFE as an optimization. It's trivial to trigger it explicitly on your own, and compilation time is valued far too much to waste it on attempting CTFE when in the vast majority of cases, it's going to fail. And it's worked quite well thus far to have it work only cases when it's actually needed - especially with how easy it is to make arbitrary code run during CTFE simply by doing something like using an enum.

- Jonathan M Davis

You still don't get it!

It is not trivial! It is impossible to trigger it! You are focused far too much on the optimization side when it is only an application that takes advantage of the ability for rtfe to become ctfe when told, if it is possible.

I don't know how to make this any simpler, sorry... I guess we'll end it here.

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