I hope this is understandable... I have:

class C {
        void A();
        void B();
        void C();

I'm iterating over a set of objects of class C like:

foreach(obj; my_selected_objs){

The iteration and code before/afterwards always looks the same, I need this iteration for many of the memember functions like C.A() and C.B(), etc.

foreach(obj; my_selected_objs){

So, how can I write a generic handler that does the iteration, where I can specify which member function to call?

void do_A() {
        handler(C.A()); ???

void do_B() {
        handler(C.B()); ???

        foreach(obj: my_selected_objs){

Viele Grüsse.

Robert M. Münch
smarter | better | faster

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