On Sunday, 1 July 2018 at 09:55:34 UTC, Timoses wrote:
On Sunday, 1 July 2018 at 09:46:32 UTC, vino.B wrote:

Request your help, the D document states that "Template functions are useful for avoiding code duplication - instead of writing several copies of a function, each with a different parameter type, a single function template can be sufficient" which mean we can passing any type of parameter using function template, similarly who we we pass in any number of parameter of any type(dynamic parameters) , like in python


def myfunc(*arg)
def myfunc(**kwargs) // multiple key-value
def myfunc(*args, **kwargs): mix

Do we have any thing similar to the above python in D
void (func(T)( T *args) // Example

void func(T)(T x)
void main()
{ func("x");  // pass a string }

void func(T)(T n3)
    writeln(n); // where n = 3 parameters (1, string, char)

void func(T)(T n2)
    writeln(n); // where n = 3 parameters (1, string)

void func(T)(T n1)
    writeln(n); // where n = 3 parameters (1 or string or char)


Perhaps https://dlang.org/spec/template.html#variadic-templates

    void func(T ...)(T args)
        static assert(T.length <= 3);

        static assert(is(T[0] == int)); // 1

        pragma(msg, T.stringof);
        foreach (arg; args)

    void main()
        func(3, "s", 1.3);
//func(1.3); // error, first argument is not an int, see // 1

Hi Timoses,

Thank you very much, can you help me on how to rewrite the below using Variadic template

Passing function as a parameter to another function:

void ptFun(T)(T function(string, string, int) coRoutine, Array!string Dirlst, ) { alias scRType = typeof(coRoutine(string.init, string.init, int.init));

where the "function(string, string, int) coRoutine" should be a variadic function


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