On Friday, 6 July 2018 at 14:11:42 UTC, Timoses wrote:

This works for me:

    auto create()
        string[int] dict;
        dict[2] = "hello";
        return dict;

    void modifyNoRef(string[int] m)
         writeln("Address not ref: ", &m);
         m[0] = "modified";

    void modifyRef(ref string[int] m)
         writeln("Address ref: ", &m);
         m[1] = "modified";

        auto r = create();
        writeln("Address r: ", &r);
        assert(r.keys.length == 1);
        assert(r.keys.length == 2);     
        assert(r.keys.length == 3);     

So either with ref or not as parameter storage class the assoc. array is modified. Note the address in the "ref" one is the same as "r" in the unittest.

[1]: https://dlang.org/spec/function.html#auto-ref-functions

I'm wondering, seeing as it works in the example given above, but not in my case, if this is a weird edge-case with setter member functions?

What I wanted to do was have the "Agent" object set its internal variable to point to the newly created associative array but instead it just seems to go right past the setter function.

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