On Friday, 6 July 2018 at 21:13:37 UTC, Timoses wrote:
Shouldn't this be 'import output'?
nah, because I didn't import source directly, I import experiment so in order to use it, I do source/output.d, which when importing module means, source.output
and this '...\\experiment\\source\\'? (I'm not accustomed to Windows..)

nope, because I want to do make some sort of a package thing

You could also add a dependency to your other dub project and dub should automatically add the import and linker flags.
Add this to your dub.json:

    "experiment": {"version": "*", "path": "../experiment"}

I didn't test this now, but it should work something like that (again, not sure about Windows path...).

See also: http://code.dlang.org/package-format?lang=json#version-specs

huh, didn't know I could do that

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