On Thursday, 12 July 2018 at 12:22:34 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:
On 7/11/18 8:55 AM, Timoses wrote:
     class TestA(T : T[])
         Test!T[] arr;

                // ERROR: Can't initialize inout variable in a for loop...
         this(inout(T[]) arr) inout
             // 1: Nope
             foreach (mem; arr)
                 this.arr ~= test(mem);

             // 2: Nope
             //Test!T[] a;
             //foreach (mem; arr)
             //   a ~= test(mem);

On the right track, but inside inout (or const or immutable) constructors, the members can only be initialized once. So you have to initialize a local, and then set the member once.

The issue is, your input is *also* inout (a necessary condition), so you didn't declare a properly:

inout(Test!T)[] a;
foreach (mem; arr) a ~= test(mem);
this.arr = a;


Aw, thanks! This is much nicer than casting...

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