On Thursday, 19 July 2018 at 11:35:00 UTC, Seb wrote:

Well, since 2.079 it's actually possible to use D without a dependency any runtime (even libc):


Also with -betterC you can actually use lots of things from core that don't depend on the runtime. For example, std.algorithm/range works in betterC:


Now, I assume you are asking whether there are plans for a minimal -betterC runtime? There aren't "official" plans, but AFAICT a few people are independently working on this. It might be a good idea to join efforts with them.

Thank you for the clarification. I am working on a libc-free project (SAOC project: 2D rasterizer on embedded devices) and just faced some missing symbols(__assert, _memset32) from various libraries in snippets like https://run.dlang.io/is/Kme62V (more missing symbols without C runtime). I am a little bit confused at the boundary of D components:

- which subset of standard library can be used under -betterC?
- even with -betterC, the compiler sometimes require external symbols like __assert to work, so what are all the required symbols? rust-core limits them to five: memcpy, memcmp, memset, rust_begin_panic and rust_eh_personality.

Is there any way to make this project remain as a "library" with a few explicit external symbol dependencies instead of bundling a minimal d-runtime/libc stubs? Since eliminating d-runtime looks like an overkill in the most of time (almost every embedded project defines their own size_t/string/bitop/attribute, hope to see a core subset of d-runtime to prevent reinventing the wheel.

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