On 8/6/18 2:59 PM, vit wrote:
On Monday, 6 August 2018 at 18:28:11 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:
On 8/6/18 2:22 PM, vit wrote:
I have this struct:

struct S{
     uint kind;
     void[N] data_;

define "N"


Instances of struct S are allocated by standard GC new and S.data_ can contain pointers/ranges to GC allocated data. If is GC disabled then  program run fine. But when is GC enabled then it fail randomly.

how does it fail?

private auto sizeOf(T)(){return T.sizeof;}

Hm... wouldn't enum sizeOf(T) = T.sizeof work better?

struct ExprImpl(Ts...){
     enum N = max(staticMap!(sizeOf, Ts));

This is clever!

     invariant(kind_ != 0);
     uint kind_ = 0;
     void[N] data_;

    this(T)(auto ref T x){/+emplace T to data_ and change kind_ to something != 0+/}

Ts == structs

data change without triggering invariant after allocation in other part of program.

Most definitely this is alignment problem.

Here is what I *think* is happening:

1. You are constructing one of these structs, and storing a pointer as the T type.
2. You are on a 64-bit CPU.
3. The pointer is misaligned on the CPU, so when the GC scans this struct to see if it's pointing at anything, it sees one half as the kind_ value, and the other half is half of the pointer. 4. It misses the object being pointed at by the T inside the struct, and collects it, leaving a dangling pointer.
5. Memory corruption.

when you put the void[N] member *first*, it can properly align the item (most cases where the compiler is placing data, it starts out aligned) but this does not guarantee you have proper alignment, as void[N] has no alignment constraints.

I'd recommend instead, changing the uint kind_ to a size_t. This not only aligns the void[N] to size_t size, which should put any pointers in the right place, but it also makes sure the entire struct is aligned.


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