On Saturday, 11 August 2018 at 10:00:34 UTC, Alex wrote:
Hi all,
maybe I misunderstand something but having this:

import std.experimental.all;

static assert(isIterable!S);

void main()
    S s;
    s.each!(el => el.writeln);

struct S
    private Nullable!uint member = 0;
    Nullable!uint front() @nogc { return member; }
    //void popFront(){} // not implementable.
    //bool empty(){} // not implementable
Nullable!uint successor(uint current) @nogc { return Nullable!uint.init; }

    the opApply method grants the correct foreach behavior
int opApply(scope int delegate(ref uint) /*@nogc*/ operations) //@nogc
        int result;

for(auto leading = front; !leading.isNull; leading = successor(leading.get))
            result = operations(leading.get);

        return result;

Everything works fine, before I try to use the opApply function inside a @nogc function.

If I do, compiler complains, that opApply is not marked as @nogc. Ok. If I try to mark opApply @nogc, I would have to mark operations delegate also as @nogc, but I can't do this, as I do not know a priori, how it will be used.

Now, as I learned at some point, a possibility would be, to templatify the function, as the compiler can then derive, if @nogc apply or not.
But if I write
int opApply()(...){...}
Then the static assert from above refuses to compile.

So... how to solve this case?

There's no way to solve it, just don't use @nogc is the easiest workaround. It wasn't thought out when it was added and these are one of the cases where it doesn't work. Having functions automatically declare themselves @nogc if they don't use the gc would solve part of the problem. Which is how templates work.


If you see how isIterable is defined you'll see that it requires opApply be able to provide the element type automatically. That is "foreach" doesn't define a type and it is automatically deduced. The compiler can't deduce the argument type because the function is a template.

foreach(t ; S.init) // Error: cannot infer type for `foreach` variable `t`, perhaps set it explicitly


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