On Monday, 20 August 2018 at 13:14:14 UTC, Andrey wrote:
I want to make an alias to function "std.stdio.writeln" and "std.stdio.write" and use it like:

static void log(bool newline = true)(string text)
   alias print(T...) = newline ? &writeln : &write;


Unfortunately, it doesn't work... Also tried with "enum print ..." but also no success.
How to do it correctly?

If it's about having a concise syntax then you can do:

import std.stdio;

void main()
    log!false("meep ! ");
    log!true("meep meep !");

static void log(bool newline = true)(string text)
    alias print = (a) => newline ? writeln(a) : write(a);

although this is like static if {} () else {}

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