On Sunday, 26 August 2018 at 20:17:30 UTC, aliak wrote:

So if we had this:

struct A(T) {
  auto proxy() @trusted {
    return B!T(&this);

struct B(T) {
  private A!T* source;
  private this(A!T* s) { source = s; }
  @disable this();
  @disable this(this) {}
  @disable void opAssign(B!T);

In order for f to be "safe" I need to ensure that B!T(&this) does not escape the scope of A!T. I figured disable construction and copying may work, but it seems you can still get it moved:

void main() @safe {
  auto f() {
    auto a = A!int();
    return a.proxy;
  auto escaped = f; // escaped.source is gone...

Anyway around this?

- Ali

Not sure abut the current language but DIP1014 https://github.com/dlang/DIPs/blob/master/DIPs/DIP1014.md#final-review

"The point was made that allowing opPostMove to be overidden raises the question of what to do when it is annotated with @disable. The concensus was that, in such a case, an actual attempt to move the object would result in a compilation error."

So, soon™?

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