On Sunday, 2 September 2018 at 17:49:45 UTC, Russel Winder wrote:
On Sun, 2018-09-02 at 18:28 +0100, Russel Winder wrote:

It turns out that the GIR file is not usable, and so the girtod route is not feasible. I shall try the DStep route. Failing that it seems there is


which is a manual transform of a snapshot of the C API, so not an
way, but a definite backstop position. It seems someone has trodden
"using Fontconfig in D" path before me.

I compiled DStep master/HEAD (v0.2.3-16-g1308991) against LLVM 6.0 and it seems to have done a rather splendid job of creating a D binding to Fontconfig. Low-level obviously, but Fontconfig is seriously low level anyway.

Now to work out how to make the project auto generate this D module so as to avoid having it in the repository, and potentially inconsistent with the platform in use.

You could also look at dpp. That's worked for most things I tried and was written in part to avoid the problem of macros changing behaviour at build time.

Example here:



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