On Wednesday, 3 October 2018 at 11:01:53 UTC, Chris Katko wrote:
I've got this simple task but I'm trying to perfect it as best I can to learn something in the process.

I have Linux terminal ASCII codes for coloring terminal output.

string red(string) { /* ... */ }

"Hello world".red => "\033[31mHello World\033[0m"

which translates to "[red]Hello World[reset to normal text]".

I have to do some slight trickery so I can chain them. But it all works fine. __The function is the same__ no matter what kind of color, bold, etc attribute I want. The only difference is the tag/prefix string.

So I have a table (or enum):
enum colors{
     reset = "\033[0m",
     red = "\033[31m",
     bold = "\033[1m" //...

Absolute perfection would be some way to add a single line to that enum (or table) and magically get a new function. I add "blue" with its prefix code to the enum and immediately I can do:

"hello world".blue

Add yellow = "\033..." and I can do:

"hello world".bold.yellow


https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=19286 prevents us from using static foreaches to declare the aliases.

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