On Friday, 12 October 2018 at 13:42:34 UTC, Alex wrote:
On Friday, 12 October 2018 at 13:25:33 UTC, Chris Katko wrote:
Like, insanely fat.

All I wanted was a simple regex. The second include a regex function, my program would no longer compile "out of memory for fork".

/usr/bin/time -v reports it went from 150MB of RAM for D, DAllegro, and Allegro5.

To over 650MB of RAM, and from 1.5 seconds to >5.5 seconds to compile. Now I have to close all my Chrome tabs just to compile.

Just for one line of regex. And I get it, it's the overhead of the library import, not the single line. But good gosh, more than 3X the RAM of the entire project for a single library import?

Something doesn't add up!

Hm... maybe, you run into this:

So wait, if their solution was to simply REMOVE std.regex from isEmail. That doesn't solve the regex problem at all. And from what I read in that thread, this penalty is paid per template INSTANTIATION which could explode.

 1 - Does anyone know WHY it's so incredibly fat?

2 - If this isn't going to be fixed anytime soon, shouldn't there be a DISCLAIMER on the documentation? (+potential workarounds like keeping regex queries in their own file.)

I mean, this kind of thing shouldn't require looking through forums. It's a clear bug, and if it's a WONTFIX (even temporarily), it should be documented clearly as such.

If I'm running into this issue, how many other people already did, and possibly even gave up on using D?

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