On Wednesday, 14 November 2018 at 16:06:21 UTC, Chris Bare wrote:
If I have:
class base
    void delegate(base) stored_dg;

    add_function (void delegate (base) dlg)
        stored_dg = dlg;

class A : base
    this ()
        super ();
        add_function (&this.foo);

    void foo (A a)
        log ("i got here");

it fails because foo(A) does not match the parameter type of delegate(base)

If I change foo (A a) to foo (base a)

It works, but this could be awkward in a deeper class hierarchy where you
might not know the class name to use.

Is there a way to do this where foo's parameter type does not to match the
class that implements add_function?


Are you looking for this?

It matches however not exactly your needs:
As all objects are derived from the Object class, you will always get it as the common parent. So... with the trait, you get a list but have still to make a decision which type to use.

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