On Friday, 23 November 2018 at 17:21:46 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:
Are you using template-heavy Phobos functions?

Merely importing a Phobos module is liable to cost you a quarter second or more of compile time.

I just got my gui lib (22,000 lines of raw source, dscanner -sloc reports 12,000) compiling in 0.2s on Linux, down from 1.0s, by removing ALL the phobos imports. It is 0.6s on Windows, probably because it imports so many of the Windows headers.

I like to say C style and Java style code compiles really fast... but you wanna beware of imports of the standard library, since it brings in a LOT of code, some of which is really slow to run (parts of it are slower than others, like std.algorithm is actually pretty fast to compile+use, but std.regex is brutally slow)

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