On Friday, 7 December 2018 at 01:21:42 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:

There is no trace of the template in the library or the object file. You can investigate the compiled symbols with e.g. the 'nm' tool on Linux systems:

// deneme.d:
void foo(T)(T t) {
    import std.stdio;

void main() {
    // foo(42);

$ dmd deneme.d -lib
$ nm deneme.a | grep foo

No trace of foo... Now uncomment the line in main and repeat:

$ dmd deneme.d -lib
$ nm deneme.a | grep foo
                 U _D6deneme__T3fooTiZQhFNfiZv
0000000000000000 W _D6deneme__T3fooTiZQhFNfiZv

"W" indicates a definition.

I see, what confused me was that if I put main() in a different file and

$ dmd main.d deneme.a

the program compiled properly. Now I realize that in this case deneme.a file was ignored and the source file was used instead. I expected an error. Thank you for your answers.

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