On Sunday, 6 May 2018 at 11:18:17 UTC, drug wrote:
On 06.05.2018 06:10, Binghoo Dang wrote:


I'm a Chinese, and I just have done the test. I also copied some Japanese text from Dlang twitter channel and added some Chinese wide punctuation Char.

And It's all seems displayed correctly.

The resulting screenshot is here: https://pasteboard.co/HjRmOYg.png

The only problem is that the font style simply looks strange. You can see the 'normal' text display in Win10 by default like this: https://pasteboard.co/HjRrigh.png

Can it fixed by other font or there are some other problems?

yeah, the bad font display can be resolved after setting a CJK font(I just replaced with msyh.ttf).

the result is like this: https://pasteboard.co/HQBdP14.png


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