One of the major things holding me back from using BetterC is . Until this is fixed (if it ever is), we are stuck with implementing our own arrays. The problem comes that the default constructor of a struct must be default or disabled, which means syntax must always be like this:

auto myArr = Array!int(0);

Preferably I would disable default constructor, so arrays can not ever be in a null state. Unfortunately, this is impossible, because if I wanted to make `myArr` a member of a struct, it would have to default to a null initialization state so I can then properly allocate it in all constructors. In other words,

struct Foo {
  auto myArr = Array!int(0);

Generates an error "malloc cannot be interpreted at compile time". It must be written as:

struct Foo {
  Array!int myArr;
  this ( int i ) {
    myArr = Array!int(0);

This is catastrophic because now everything has to start in a null-state, if any one of its members (or their members, etc) has an array. For example, I can't even do this now:

struct Bar {
  auto foo = Foo(0);

I have to always include an arbitrary constructor with an arbitrary parameter just so I can initialize my arrays to their proper default state. Is there any fix? The two BetterC libraries I saw with arrays all suffer from this problem AFAIK.

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