On Saturday, 5 January 2019 at 07:34:17 UTC, Russel Winder wrote:
TransmitterData has a destructor defined but with no code in it. This used to work fine – but I cannot be certain which version of LDC that was.

The problem does seem to be in the construction of the TransmitterData object because a destructor is being called on the File_Ptr field as part of the transmitterData constructor.

As you can see from the stack trace #3, the File_Ptr is null. The solution to this is to either ensure it is initialised in the constructor of TransmitterData, or account for it possibly being null by defining a destructor for TransmitterData.

For some reason it seems File_Ptr.~this() is being called before
File_Ptr.this() in the TransmitterData.this(). This is totally weird.

Having added some writeln statements:

(gdb) bt
#0 0x00005555555932e0 in dvb_file_free (dvb_file=0x0) at dvb_file.d:276 #1 0x0000555555592fbc in types.File_Ptr.~this() (this=...) at types.d:83 #2 0x000055555558cdf6 in _D3std6format__T14formattedWriteTSQBg5stdio4File17LockingTextWriterTaTS5types8File_PtrZQCtFKQChxAaQBcZk (w=..., fmt=..., _param_2=...) at /usr/lib/ldc/x86_64-linux-gnu/include/d/std/format.d:472

Maybe it is a problem with copying a File_Ptr (e.g. missing a increase of the reference count)? Like, `auto a = File_Ptr(); { auto b = a; }` and b calls the destructor on scope exit. That would be consistent with having problems copying to object to pass to writeln.

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