On Friday, 11 January 2019 at 14:46:36 UTC, Andrey wrote:
In C++ you can create a fixed array on stack:
int count = getCount();
int myarray[count];

In D the "count" is part of type and must be known at CT but in example it is RT.
How to do such thing in D? Without using of heap.

You could try alloca:

import core.stdc.stdlib: alloca;

pragma(inline, true) auto stack(T, alias len)(void* p = alloca(T.sizeof * len)) {
    return (cast(T*) p)[0 .. len] = T.init;

void main() {
    import std.stdio: writeln;

    int size = 42;
    auto a = stack!(int, size);
    a[] = 2;

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