On Thursday, 28 February 2019 at 03:33:25 UTC, Sam Johnson wrote:
string snappyCompress(const string plaintext) {
import deimos.snappy.snappy : snappy_compress, snappy_max_compressed_length, SNAPPY_OK;
        import core.stdc.stdlib : malloc, free;
        import std.string : fromStringz, toStringz;
        char *input = cast(char *) toStringz(plaintext);
size_t output_length = snappy_max_compressed_length(plaintext.length);
        char *output = cast(char *) malloc(output_length);
if(snappy_compress(input, plaintext.length, output, &output_length) == SNAPPY_OK) {
                string ret = (cast(string) fromStringz(output)).clone();
                // <---- do something magical here
                return ret;

How can I get the GC to automatically garbage collect the `output` malloc call by tracking the returned `ret` reference?

I'm surprised that GC.addRoot(output) actually helped you here, GC.addRoot is for when the thing you are adding may hold pointers to GC allocated stuff and you don't want non-GC allocated references to dangle when the GC does a collection pass.

If you want the GC to handle it just use new:

char[] output = new char[output_length];
return assumeUnique(output);

Or is this already managed by the gc because I cast to a `string`?

No, string is just an alias for immutable(char)[], which is just
    size_t length;
    immutable(char)* ptr;

it can refer to any span of memory, it has no concept of ownership.

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