Why this template code does not compile?

module runnable;

import std.meta;
import std.typecons;

template FieldInfo(argT, string argName) {
template FieldInfo(Nullable!argT argDefault = Nullable!argT()) {

alias processFields(T, string name) =
    AliasSeq!(FieldInfo!(T, name)());

void main(string[] args)
    alias Fields = processFields!(int, "x");

/tmp/temp_7F58BE2F0150.d(12,34): Error: template `runnable.FieldInfo!(int, "x").FieldInfo` cannot deduce function from argument types `!()()`, candidates are: /tmp/temp_7F58BE2F0150.d(7,5): `runnable.FieldInfo!(int, "x").FieldInfo(Nullable!int argDefault = Nullable!argT())` /tmp/temp_7F58BE2F0150.d(16,20): Error: template instance `runnable.processFields!(int, "x")` error instantiating

LDC - the LLVM D compiler (1.11.0):
  based on DMD v2.081.2 and LLVM 6.0.1

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