On 16/03/2019 11:19, Dennis via Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:
On Saturday, 16 March 2019 at 03:47:43 UTC, Murilo wrote:
Does anyone know if when I create a variable inside a scope as in
{int a = 10;}
it disappears complete from the memory when the scope finishes? Or does it remain in some part of the memory? I am thinking of using scopes to make optimized programs that consume less memory.

In general, you want variables to have no larger scope than needed, so in large functions reducing the scope may be useful. When it comes to efficiency however, doing that is neither necessary nor sufficient for the compiler to re-use registers / stack space. I looked at the assembly output of DMD for this:
void func(int a);

void main()
     int a = 2;
     int b = 3;
Without optimizations (the -O flag), it stores a and b on different places in the stack. With optimizations, the values of a and b (2 and 3) are simply loaded in the EDI register before the call.
Removing the braces doesn't change anything about that.
The compiler does live variable analysis [1] as well as data-flow analysis [2] to figure out that it's only needed to load the values 2 and 3 just before the function call. This is just a trivial example, but the same applies to larger functions.

In any case, for better memory efficiency I'd consider looking at reducing dynamic allocations such as new or malloc. Memory on the stack is basically free compared to that, so even if adding lots of braces to your code reduces stack memory, chances are it's a low leverage point.

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Live_variable_analysis
[2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Data-flow_analysis

Just to add a bit on what has been said:
* Register allocation (see wikipedia) is a well-researched area.
* By coding that way, you force the compiler to optimise *a certain way* which may prevent it to perform other, more relevant optimisations. * You cannot beat the knowledge in that domain, it is simply too big and complex, just be confident.

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