On Tuesday, 2 April 2019 at 18:52:07 UTC, Jacob Carlborg wrote:
On 2019-04-02 20:44, Q. Schroll wrote:

After removing the calls to writeln, the error I get is:

`this` for `read` needs to be type `Outer` not type `Inner`

You cannot access stuff in Outer because Inner objects are not outer objects and don't implicitly own an Outer object. In your Inner method `write`, there is no Outer object present at all to call the method on.

It works if the struct is nested inside a function [1]. I thought it would work nested inside a struct too.

[1] https://dlang.org/spec/struct.html#nested

The reason it works inside a function is that the struct has a hidden pointer to the function context. The function's local values actually exist when an object of that struct type is being instantiated.

The main difference between a struct nested in a function and one inside another struct is that the one in a function cannot¹ be created outside of that function while constructing the latter is possible the way you think it is:

Outer.Inner innerObj = Outer.Inner(parameters);

¹ You can using reflection and stuff like that, but it's still broken if it uses the context.

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