On Thursday, 11 April 2019 at 23:04:46 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
On Thursday, 11 April 2019 at 22:41:32 UTC, Alex wrote:

Seriously? Do you think you have ESP? Your code isn't even close to was talking about ;/

Here is is updated that shows the error. You seem to fail to understand that it is impossible for it to be my code.

If you continue to attack people who are trying to help you, the moderators will stop approving your posts. The hostility is unwelcome here. If the number of your posts that have not been approved didn’t serve as a warning, then this does.

Quick google search to help you with your problem:






You can't police the world. You seem to live in a PC fantasy world where where every little booboo is treated as a life and death situation. You are not helping with the world with your need to control it. What are you going to do when things get really bad in the world? Have a nervous break down? If you think the shit I say is hostile and attacking people you really have no clue what the real world is like. You seem to have control issues that you should get addressed if you are going to threaten people over moronic statements that you interpret with your bias to be hostile. I'm sorry, but I'm not going to play your games. Did you go after FeepingCreature? He was clearly more hostile than I was but I bet you didn't say a god damn thing to him... You want me to stop being "hostile" then you need to throw your badge in the trash and stop trying to police every conversation because you really are in no position to judge people objectively. This isn't a nursery school and we are not 3 year olds... and if you want to turn it in to that kinda atmosphere then you kiss my ass.

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