On Saturday, 27 April 2019 at 22:25:58 UTC, Ferhat Kurtulmuş wrote:

I am wrapping some C++ code for my personal project (opencvd), and I am creating so many array pointers at cpp side and containing them in structs. I want to learn if I am leaking memory like crazy, although I am not facing crashes so far. Is GC of D handling things for me? Here is an example:

//declaration in d
struct IntVector {
    int* val;
    int length;

// in cpp
typedef struct IntVector {
    int* val;
    int length;
} IntVector;

// cpp function returning a struct containing an array pointer allocated with "new" op.
IntVector Subdiv2D_GetLeadingEdgeList(Subdiv2D sd){
    std::vector<int> iv;

int *cintv = new int[iv.size()]; // I don't call delete anywhere?

    for(size_t i=0; i < iv.size(); i++){
        cintv[i] = iv[i];
    IntVector ret = {cintv, (int)iv.size()};
    return ret;

// call extern c function in d:
extern (C) IntVector Subdiv2D_GetLeadingEdgeList(Subdiv2d sd);

int[] getLeadingEdgeList(){
    IntVector intv = Subdiv2D_GetLeadingEdgeList(this);
int[] ret = intv.val[0..intv.length]; // just D magic. Still no delete anywhere!
    return ret;

The question is now: what will happen to "int *cintv" which is allocated with new operator in cpp code? I have many code similar in the project, but I have not encounter any problem so far even in looped video processings. Is GC of D doing deallocation automagically?

Hello Ferhat,

You can use RCArray!T or Slice!(RCI!T) [1, 2] as common thread safe @nogc types for D and C++ code.
See also integration C++ example [3] and C++ headers [4].

RCArray (fixed length)
[1] http://mir-algorithm.libmir.org/mir_rc_array.html
RCSlice (allows to get subslices)
[2] http://mir-algorithm.libmir.org/mir_ndslice_allocation.html#rcslice
C++ integration example
[3] https://github.com/libmir/mir-algorithm/tree/master/cpp_example
C++ headers
[4] https://github.com/libmir/mir-algorithm/tree/master/include/mir

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