On Sunday, 5 May 2019 at 18:53:08 UTC, Russel Winder wrote:

I had merrily asumed I could implement nth Fibonacci number with:

takeOne(drop(recurrence!((a, n) => a[n-1] + a[n-2])(zero, one), n)).front

where zero and one are of type BigInt, and n is of type size_t. However both dmd and ldc2 complain saying:
I am now at the WTF stage – how can I show this example on Thursday in my DevoxxUK presentation?

I am close to giving up and imbibing of too much Pernod.

`recurrence` takes the `CommonType` of the initial values and declares its internal state as an array of this type, however when at least one of the values is const or immutable, the `CommonType` is const too, or even immutable in the case when all values are immutable. The state being const/immutable means that the following step, initializing it, can't work, since, well, the array cannot be modified (hence the errors).
I'd say this can be considered to be a bug with `recurrence`.
You can solve this issue by constructing and passing mutable versions of `one` and `zero` to `recurrence`.

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