On Wednesday, 8 May 2019 at 06:30:56 UTC, Robert M. Münch wrote:

The goal is to have a generic framework for desktop apps where you can directly start to work on the app and don't have to care about getting all the necessary environment and building-blocks up & running.

* High speed 2D graphics (working)
* GUI widget set, self-drawn via 2D graphics. Not using any OS widgets. Portable. (only simple tests so far)
* Flex-Box like layouting of GUI elements (working)
* Framework and App logic linked/using Reactive pattern. Message passing everywhere. (working)
* Selfcontained executables, no external dependencies (working)
* SQLite3 included (working)
* LuaJIT as embedded scripting layer for declarative GUIs (not yet decided)

This sounds like a complete replacement for either QT, MFC, or GTK as well as Glade/QT Designer all rolled into one.

Our focus is executable size (I'm an old school guy) and speed.

Right with you there.

For some simple real-time grid example see: https://www.dropbox.com/s/eyya0brc5sbcs09/Bildschirmaufnahme%202019-05-02%20um%2022.09.54.mov?dl=0

Very impressive. Is there somewhere I can follow along with what you guys are doing? Do you have a GitHub presence?

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