I would like to join several sorted files into one big sorted file.

For that I came up with this snippet:

#!/usr/bin/env rdmd
import std.stdio;
import std.algorithm;
import std.typecons;
import std.array;
import std.range;

auto byMinimum(Ranges)(Ranges ranges)
    auto getNonEmpty()
        return ranges.filter!("!a.empty");

    auto nonEmpty = getNonEmpty;
    struct ByMinimum(Ranges)
        bool empty()
            return nonEmpty.empty;

        auto front()
            auto minRangeAndLine = nonEmpty.map!(range => tuple!("range",
                    "line")(range, range.front)).minElement!("a.line");
            return minRangeAndLine;

        void popFront()
            auto minRangeAndLine = nonEmpty.map!(range => tuple!("range",
                    "line")(range, range.front)).minElement!("a.line");
            nonEmpty = getNonEmpty;

    return ByMinimum!(Ranges)();

void main(string[] files)
foreach (n; files[1 .. $].map!(name => File(name).byLine(No.keepTerminator)).array.byMinimum)

I would like to get rid of the duplication that searches for the range with the next minimum in terms of runtime but also in terms of code written out. Unfortunately I have no idea how to even store the result of this search in an attribute of ByMinimum, as I cannot writeout its type.

Kind regards,

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