On Mon, 2019-06-10 at 08:02 +0000, vitalfadeev via Digitalmars-d-learn


Perhaps I am missing something that is critical to the example, but I
rewrote the code as:

   import std.algorithm: map;
   import std.stdio: writeln;

   bool false_cb() { return false; }
   bool true_cb() { return true; }

   void main() {
       auto checkers = [&false_cb, &false_cb, &true_cb];
       auto result = map!(a => a())(checkers);

This avoids the assumption that 0 is false and 1 is true. Also it makes
use of D map which seems to me what is happening at the core of the
code – using foreach and zip or lockstep just seems to be implementing
map. But as I say, I may be missing something.

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