On Tuesday, 11 June 2019 at 05:15:17 UTC, Markus wrote:
I have cleaned it up, kind of. Just in case you want to compile it. The Zip contains some DLL from https://github.com/spatialaudio/portaudio-binaries where you can find the original if you want.


I'm in general thinking of buying a Mac. I know it has not much to do with this, but debugging Swift code in Xcode must be so "gorgeous" as they say.

1) So, I've made it work. Using a global in the test.d for sharing between threads was no good idea it seems. It's just that I tend to do it because you will not end up passing arguments so much. But the shared keyword forced me to add D-atomic code, so I gave that up early and made it passing (borrowing?) the context/custom-data as argument, not being in global scope.

2) Second thing is, I removed collectException, because I was unable to do with it what it seems to be good for. I replaced it with another function call to a function that uses a try block, and assumeNoThrow goes around that function call.

I'm a bit confused but it works (can print Exceptions). :) The changes look like this:


auto stream = start_portaudio(44100, 512, &on_audio_buffer,cast(void*)sine_sound);
// 1) pass around sine_sound, or anything that looks like a global


void on_audio_buffer_2(int frames, float* left, float* right, paTestData* data)
        // 2)
        catch(Throwable e)
                TerminateProcess(GetCurrentProcess(), 0);               

extern(C) nothrow int patestCallback(........)
        // 2) call the function that uses the try block

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