On Friday, 21 June 2019 at 15:42:56 UTC, Emmanuelle wrote:
Yeah, I want to be able to basically use mixin templates but with expressions instead, with the code being executed on the scope of the caller, not the callee; but it seems that's impossible without passing strings

This sounds very similar to something I hacked together a while ago and recently wrote about making cleaner code:


The idea here was to do a pass-by-value lambda. Usage:

    auto bar(T)(T x) @nogc
        return x(10);

    auto foo(int x) @nogc
        auto f = lambda!(x, q{ (int y) { return x + y; } });
        return f;

    void main()
        import std.stdio;

Magic implementation:

    template lambda(Args...) {
        static struct anon {
                static foreach(i; 0 .. Args.length - 1)
mixin("typeof(Args[i]) " ~ __traits(identifier, Args[i]) ~ ";");
                auto opCall(T...)(T t) {
                        return mixin(Args[$-1])(t);
                this(T...)(T t) {
                        this.tupleof = t;

        anon lambda() {
                anon a;
                // copy the values in
                a.tupleof = Args[0 .. $-1];
                return a;

You could convert that into a regular delegate too, so it works with non-template consumers, by generating a non-templated opCall and taking its address.

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