It feels disingenous to want to call a caching object even "logically" const. There has to be a scaffolding-based but hopefully generic compromise. I haven't yet tested this belief, but I believe "physical" const is of good use wherever it can be applied.

On Friday, 21 June 2019 at 23:39:20 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:
The problem with this is that you cannot use const(Wrapper).

In particular, if you have a function that wants to document that it does not mutate its argument, you cannot write:

        auto func(in Wrapper data) { ... }

because const(Wrapper) does not allow lazy initialization.

IMHO, in parameters are a more important scenario than const in ranges (of course, same constraints).

Just for the heck of it, I'll try to get a snippet "working" but I see out parameters snaking all through the call chain!

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