Hello! Here I am again, with my problem ... In my program, I cannot manage to convert from "double" to "int". Here is the code:
<< ++
struct Animation - the structure that implements the animation
+ /
struct Animation
private List! (Image) img; /// List of pictures in the animation
private double f; /// current picture in animation
private double s; /// speed of animation

/// speed setter (double s)
public void setSpeed ​​(double sp)
s = sp;

/// Adds a picture to the list
public void addFrame (Image pia)
img.add (pia);

/// Sets the image to a specific place in the list
public void setFrame (int id, Image pia)
img.set (id, pia);

/// Returns a picture from the list
public Image getFrame (int id)
return img.get (id);

/// Returns the list
public List! (Image) getList ()
return img;

/// The animation event itself. Returns the current animation image.
public Image step ()
writeln ("Animation :: step start ...");
if (floor (f) == img.length)
f = 0.1f;
writeln ("Animation :: f = 0.1f");
} else
f + = s;
writeln ("Animation :: f + = s");

const int i = roundTo! (int) (f);
writeln ("i set");
writeln ("i:", i);
return img.get (i);
} >>
Another code:
<< import std.stdio;

/ ++
The structure that implements the list of objects.
+ /
struct List (TObj)
private TObj [] obj;

/// Adds an object to the list
public void add (TObj o)
obj ~ = o;

/// Returns an object from the list
public TObj get (int id)
return obj [id];

/// Sets an object in a specific place.
public void set (int id, TObj o)
obj [id] = o;

/// Returns the length of the list
public int length ()
return obj.length;

/// Gives the garbage collector a signal to clear the list.
public void free ()
obj = null;
} >>

"If you don’t understand something, the translator has bricked it."

In the moment:
<< public Image step ()
writeln ("Animation :: step start ...");
if (floor (f) == img.length)
f = 0.1f;
writeln ("Animation :: f = 0.1f");
} else
f + = s;
writeln ("Animation :: f + = s");

const int i = roundTo! (int) (f); // Error here
writeln ("i set");
writeln ("i:", i);
return img.get (i);
} >> The compiler is silent, but when you start the program, reaching this place, it hangs. Is there any way to convert a "double" to an "int" without errors?

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