On Thursday, 4 July 2019 at 15:22:08 UTC, Marco de Wild wrote:
On Thursday, 4 July 2019 at 15:10:05 UTC, aliak wrote:

I don't know if it will solve your whole problem, but have you tried __traits(isSame, W0.fun, fun)?

Reduced example:

struct Foo(alias fun){
    alias bar = fun;

void stuff(alias fun, T)(T t)
    static if(__traits(isSame, fun, T.bar)) {
        pragma(msg, "Yes");
    } else {
        pragma(msg, "No");

void a(){}
void b(){}

void main()
    stuff!a(Foo!a()); // Yes
    stuff!a(Foo!b()); // No

Of course! That helps a lot yes. Thank you :)

The case in the gist I pasted above works like a charm now. isSame seems like a decent enough powerhouse to get most of the practical cases it seems as well.

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