I'm not sure, if this is the right place to ask, but I couldn't find a better one either.

I'm trying to install D on my old 32-bit machine (debian stable). First I tried to install a precompiled version and now I followed [1]. In both cases, I always get a segmentation fault when I try to run a compiled program.

With make -f posix.mak AUTO_BOOTSTRAP=1 I got:

../generated/build HOST_DMD="../generated/host_dmd-2.079.1/dmd2/linux/bin32/dmd" OS=linux BUILD=release MODEL=32 AUTO_BOOTSTRAP="1" --called-from-make ../generated/linux/release/32/lexer.a
Segmentation fault

Any ideas, what's missing?

[1] https://wiki.dlang.org/Building_under_Posix

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