On Tuesday, 17 September 2019 at 17:11:09 UTC, Stefanos Baziotis wrote:
I think it's better to give a concrete example rather than explaining this vaguely.

-- The question --
Can we do better ? For one, I believe that because D does not have a preprocessor, we have to do an actual declaration which would be somewhat more verbose. Or do a mixin that does it. mixin can help as it can be more complicated and also we can access local scope (although I don't think this is a good idea).

But in both cases, they're not totally invisible.

Can we do something like: func1, func2 and func3, when they enter do the X
and when they return, they do the Y.


I think a mixin that does

string LOG_SCOPE = q{
scope(exit) callDepth--;

is probably the easiest. for bonus points

string LOG_SCOPE = q{
debug_log(__FUNCTION__);// or __PRETTY_FUNTION__
scope(exit) callDepth--;

and the mixin(LOG_SCOPE);

I mean you _could_ do some UDA reflection to generate wrapping function that do the indentation, bit that is overkill.

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