On Thursday, 3 October 2019 at 14:13:55 UTC, IGotD- wrote:
According to the GC documentation this code snippet

char* p = new char[10];
char* q = p + 6; // ok
q = p + 11;      // error: undefined behavior
q = p - 1;       // error: undefined behavior

suggests that char *p is really a "fat pointer" with size information.

No it's not. char* is a plain pointer.

The example is wrong, since you can't assign a new char[10] to char*.

Probably they mean something like:
auto arr = new char[10]
char* p = arr.ptr;

This code actually compiles, but its behaviour is undefined, so it is a logical error.

In D arrays are fat pointer instead:

int[10] my_array;

my_array is actually a pair ptr+length.

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